Real-World Evidence

IQVIA offers several real-world evidence solutions

The use of patient-level data can add depth and granularity to analyses that support the demonstration of a product value.

  • To identify unmeet clinical need in routine care and design IQVIA CORE Diabetes Model simulations that reflect routine clinical practice in a given country;
  • To evaluate effectiveness of drugs and use this information as input for cost-effectiveness analyses;
  • To determine the effectiveness of a drug in patient populations not evaluated in clinical trials;
  • To use demographic, clinical and medication data for diabetic sub populations to identify target patient groups for early stage cost effectiveness analysis;
  • To monitor the uptake and safety of a drug in real-life settings to support discussions with payers and regulatory authorities.

Covering more than 300 million patient lives, LifeLink data assets can provide diabetes insights in several markets. Assets include:

  • Health plan claims data
  • Longitudinal prescription data
  • Electronic medical record
  • Hospital Treatment Insight
  • Longitudinal patient databases

Of particular interest to researchers in diabetes is our French diabetes cohort, which was specifically designed to answer questions from the diabetes community in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Click here to learn more about IQVIA patient-level data assets.

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